2004.09-2010.11 南京农业大学,硕博连读
2000.09-2004.06 湖北民族学院,本科
2019.06-2019.12 布里斯托大学,访问学者
2014.03-2015.03 赫尔辛基大学,访问学者
2011.03-2021.09 宁波大学,讲师、副教授、教授
研究聚焦于畜产品加工与资源功能化利用:肉制品嫩度改善机制,传统肉制品风味形成与稳定性调控机制,功能性糜类肉制品与骨汤开发,畜产危害因子快速检测,畜产源生物钙营养转运,畜产源微纳分子自组装与递送。担任food chemistry编委,中国生物工程学会理事,中国畜产品加工研究会理事,中国食品科技协会青工委委员,浙江省杰青,浙江省新世纪“151”人才,浙江省高校中青年学科带头人,北京工商大学“畜产品加工与资源功能化利用”课题组组长。主持或完成国家级课题7项(国家自然科学基金4项),第一/通讯作者(含共同)发表sci收录期刊论文81篇,其中jcr一区71篇,副主编国家十二五教材两部,授权国家发明专利42项(转让转化9项)。
2018年,trends in analytical chemistry杂志杰出审稿人奖(全球top10%);
2018年,food hydrocolloids杂志杰出审稿人奖(全球top10%);
2018年,international journal of biological macromolecules杂志杰出审稿人奖(全球top10%);
2018年,ultrasonics sonochemistry杂志杰出审稿人奖(全球top10%);
2018年,food research international杂志杰出审稿人奖(全球top10%);
1. 国家优秀青年科学基金 (肉制品食用品质,32022066, 直接经费120万), 主持;
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目 (胶原纤维热解聚行为对胶原类酱卤肉制品风味保持能力的影响机制研究,31871825, 直接经费60万), 主持;
3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目 (鹅肉成熟过程中微丝的解聚及其调控研究,31471681, 90万), 主持;
4. 浙江省杰出青年科学基金(胶原纤维去组装行为对酱猪蹄质构与风味吸附能力的影响研究,lr18c200003, 50万),主持;
5. 国家重点研发计划子课题 (传统干腌肉制品绿色加工关键技术与设备研发,2016yfd0401502, 201万), 主持。
1. wang, y., jiang , y., cao, j*., chen, y., sun, y., zeng, x., pan, d., ou, c., gan, n., (2016). study on lipolysis-oxidation and volatile flavour compounds of dry-cured goose with different curing salt content during production. food chemistry 190, 33-40.
2. shen y, wei y, zhu c, cao j*, han d*., ratiometric fluorescent signals-driven smartphone-based portable sensors for onsite visual detection of food contaminants, coordination chemistry reviews, 2022, 458, 214442
3. lv, t., wang, y., pan, d., cao, j*., zhang, x., sun, y., chen, y., liu, y., (2017). effect of trypsin treatments on the structure and binding capacity of volatile compounds of myosin. food chemistry 214, 710-716.
4. cao, j., zhou, c., wang, y., sun, y., pan, d*., (2018). the effect of oxidation on the structure of g-actin and its binding ability with aroma compounds in carp grass skeletal muscle. food chemistry 240, 346-353.
5. zhang, k., gan, n*., shen, z., cao, j*., hu, f., li, t., (2019). microchip electrophoresis based aptasensor for multiplexed detection of antibiotics in foods via a stir-bar assisted multi-arm junctions recycling for signal amplification. biosensors and bioelectronics 130, 139-146.
6. zhou, c., wang, c., cai, j., bai, y., yu, x., li, c., xu, x., zhou, g*., cao, j*., (2019). evaluating the effect of protein modifications and water distribution on bitterness and adhesiveness of jinhua ham. food chemistry 293, 103-111.
7. chen c, wang x, wang y, tian l*, cao j*, (2021). construction of protocell-based artificial signal transduction pathway, chemical communications, 57, 12754 - 12763.
8. zhou, c., wang, c., tang, c., dai, c., bai, y., yu, x., li, c., xu, x., zhou, g*., cao, j*., (2019). label-free proteomics reveals the mechanism of bitterness and adhesiveness in jinhua ham. food chemistry, 297, 125-132.
9. zhan, g., pan, d., zhou, c., wang, y., he, j., zhang, j., li, g., cao, j*., (2021). characterizing bacterial strains of spoiled jinhua ham and evaluating the effect of antimicrobial agents on these isolated bacterial strains, lwt - food science and technology, 2021, 136, 110351
10. liao r, xia q, zhou c*, geng f, wang y, sun y, he j, pan d, cao j*, (2022). lc-ms/ms-based metabolomics and sensory evaluation characterize metabolites and texture of normal and spoiled dry-cured hams, food chemistry, 2022, 371, 131156.