






2019.8-2020.7,美国rutgers university,访问学者

2010.10-2011.10,美国university of massachusetts amherst,国家公派联合培养




2012.8-至今 北京工商大学食品与健康学院





1. 矿物质、维生素、油脂、色素等功能因子高效包埋技术

2. 植物油体绿色制造技术开发老年营养与健康食品

3. 脂肪替代技术及不同人群体外消化评价

4. 高营养附加值功能性食品及新型配料的开发与应用



1. 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目,32072216,微纳米结构米糠油体模型构建及其界面吸附机制研究,2021.01-2024.12

2. 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目,31771976,多尺度乳状液微聚集体构建、理化稳定机制及控释规律解析,2018.01-2021.12

3. 主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,31501486,基于异型聚集效应构建乳状液微聚集体及其影响流变特性机理研究,2016.01-2018.12

4. 主持国家重点研发计划子课题,2018yfd0401101,稻米油精准绿色制油技术的研究与开发,2018.07-2022.06

5. 主持北京市教委重点项目,23jf0005,钙交联大豆油体乳液填充凝胶结构精准设计及其流变机制研究,2023.06-2026.12



1. chen w, xu d*. phytic acid and its interactions in food components, health benefits, and applications: a comprehensive review. trends in food science & technology, 2023, 141, 104201.

2. chen w, li x, zhang w, alouk i, wang y, xu d*, sun b. physicochemical properties, photostability, and digestive characteristics of natural emulsion system fabricated by recombinant rice bran oil bodies for lutein ester delivery. food hydrocolloids, 2024, 156, 110270.

3. lv w, zou k, zhang f, jia y, alouk i, li x, chen w, sun b, wang y, xu d*. enhancing the physicochemical stability and bioaccessibility of curcumin-loaded soybean oil bodies emulsions in the in vitro elderly model. food hydrocolloids, 2025, 158, 110563

4. hao j, zhang f, decker e, sun b, xu d*. study on the interfacial properties of rice bran oil bodies affecting their physicochemical properties, stability and adsorption behavior at the oil-water interface for the design of precisely emulsified systems. food hydrocolloids, 2024, 148, 109449.

5. li x, chen w, hao j, xu d*. construction of different properties single and double cross-linked binary emulsion filled gels based on rice bran oil body emulsion. colloids and surfaces a: physicochemical and engineering aspects, 2023, 665, 131238.

6. zheng b, li x, hao j, xu d*. meat systems produced with monascus pigment water-in-oil-in-water multiple emulsion as pork fat replacers. food chemistry, 2022, 402: 134080.

7. ali i, al-dalali s, hao j, ikram a, zhang j, xu d*, cao y*. the stabilization of monascus pigment by formation of monascus pigment-sodium caseinate complex. food chemistry, 2022, 384: 132480.

8. hao j, xu j, zhang w, li x, liang d, xu d*, cao y, sun b. the improvement of the physicochemical properties and bioaccessibility of lutein microparticles by electrostatic complexation. food hydrocolloids, 2021, 125: 107381.

8. ma n, gao q, li x, xu d*, yuan y, cao y. enhancing the physicochemical stability and digestibility of dha emulsions by encapsulation of dha droplets in caseinate/alginate honeycomb-shaped microparticles. food & function, 2020, 11: 2080-2093.

10. wang x, li x, xu d*, zhu y, cao y, wang j, sun b. comparision of heteroaggregation, layer-by-layer and directly mixing techniques on the physical properties and in vitro digestion of emulsions. food hydrocolloids, 2019, 95: 228-237.


1. 一种lf/dha-spi/dha微聚集体的应用zl202011525401.0

2. 乳状液微聚集体及其制备方法zl201610051947.4

3. 红曲色素大颗粒、其制备方法及其应用zl201910107775.1

4. 一种提高热稳定性的红曲色素-酪蛋白酸钠纳米微粒及其制备方法zl202011395000.8


1. 中国轻工业联合会技术进步一等奖功能性天然类胡萝卜素稳态高效化关键技术与产业化

2. 北京市高等教育教学成果奖针对食品安全突出难题,构建“院士引领 创新体系 强化实践”人才培养模式

3. 北京市普通高校优秀本科毕业设计(论文)优秀指导教师2021/ 2019

4. 北京工商大学优秀导师,2021

5. 北京工商大学优秀教师,2024
